Project Ownership

How is Project Ownership Determined?

Project ownership is determined by the license that is applied to a project. The account which owns the license is considered the project owner.

Project ownership can be specified during project creation or can be switched after the project has been created.


Any user who has a Trimble Connect license assigned to them from your account will be able to create projects but these projects will still be owned by your account.

Setting Ownership During Project Creation

For new projects, there is an option in the creation dialog to choose the ownership by selecting an account from the dropdown.

To set the project ownership

  1. Sign in to Trimble Connect.

  2. On the projects page, click New.

  3. The project creation dialog will open.

  4. Choose the ownership by selecting an account from the dropdown (this will refine the list of licenses in the project license dropdown menu).

  5. Choose a license from the selected account that you would like to apply to the project.