Project Listing


All projects that use a license owned by your account will be listed in the project table.

The project table includes the following information:

  • Project name

  • Project ID

  • Created on timestamp

  • Size

  • Total number of users in the project

  • Date modified timestamp

Sorting the Listing

You can sort the data in ascending or descending order by:

  • Project name

  • Creation date.


The projects are separated by the server region. You can change the region by clicking the Region dropdown menu.

Refreshing the Data

If you think the data in the table is not up to date you can do a force pull request for data by clicking the Overflow Menu (located in the top right above the table) and then clicking Refresh.

Export to Excel

You can export your account's project list's data as an .XLS file directly from the Account Admin Dashboard.

The exported data will include:

  • Project name & ID

  • Created on timestamp

  • Size

  • Total number of users in the project

  • Date modified timestamp

The export your account's project's data

  1. Sign in to the Trimble Connect for Browser application.

  2. Click on the Account Admin link in the User dropdown menu.

  3. From the Account Admin Dashboard, navigate to the Projects page.

  4. Click on the Overflow Menu (located above the table).

  5. Click Export to Excel.

You will see a message in the lower left corner of the screen after the export is complete.